Join WIDE+ and sign the global statement for a binding human rights treaty for (Trans)National Companies

The Treaty Alliance, a global movement for a binding Treaty has launched a public statement that can be signed by associations and individuals. The statement calls on states to participate actively in upcoming negotiations of the international treaty to ensure protection…

Read the WIDE+ Gender and EU Trade Position Paper

This paper critically examines contemporary European Union (EU) trade policy from a feminist perspective. It argues that current EU external trade policy is fundamentally harmful to the human rights of women, men and children and to the preservation of our…

WIDE+ at European Parliament hearing about Gender and Trade policies

Gea Meijers, spoke, on behalf of WIDE+ Gender and trade Working Group, at the European Parliament Hearing, organized by the FEMM and INTA committees (women's rights & gender equality and international trade). To read WIDE+ contribution: WIDEEP2017. To listen to the…