Our Vision

Our Vision

Feminism is about fighting for the rights of each woman and gender non-conforming person to be fully respected and enforced as part of a larger struggle for social justice, sustainable development and human rights for all. This is not about ‘adding women’ into existing unequal structures. Feminism is about social transformation. We need to address intersecting unequal power relations and oppose unjust ones, including economic, environmental, social, sexual, racial, generational and ethnic discrimination.

Feminism is about combating all forms of discrimination, in particular against people who are more often targets and marginalised, such as women, migrants, indigenous and LGBTQI people.

Our Feminist Future

We strive for rights-based societies in which everybody has: the power to control productive assets and resources; influence over the decisions affecting their lives and livelihoods; control over their own bodies and lives; the ability to develop their full potential.

We want to create a world where:

  • the rights and well-being of people and the planet are put before profit;
  • the economy is transformed at every level.

As feminists, women’s and human rights activists we continue to strive for a world in which the implementation of the UN Convention against all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action and all other international agreements on women’s rights are respected and implemented in economic and development policies at the local, national and global level.

Our Mission

WIDE+ has the  following aims:

  • create and widen spaces to multiply the impact of feminist activism;
  • influence and transform institutional settings, power relations, policies and practices;
  • act in solidarity with feminist and human rights movements.

The photograph above is of our Public Session on female migration, democracy and peace, held on 7 March 2018 in the European Parliament.


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