
WIDE+ Secretariat

Gea Meijers is currently WIDE+’s General Coordinator. She has promoted feminism through WIDE(+)’s collective action since 2006. She previously worked for several international and national NGOs, promoting secularism and peace in the Netherlands, the UK and Belgium. She founded an international humanist youth network in 2002 that is currently existing as Young Humanists International. Within WIDE+ she has a special focus on highlighting the interrelations between EU trade policy and economic gender discrimination as well as supporting feminist movement building in Europe with partners outside Europe, in order to strengthen an intersectional feminism, rooted in global solidarity. She has a bachelor in sociology and a master in international public policy from the United Nations University MERIT. She is currently a local politician for a green party in Meerssen, the Netherlands (fractievoorzitter KIJK!!!, namens GroenLinks). To get in touch with her, email her at info[at], or gea.meijers23[at]  A full bio can be found at:


Emma Rainey is the Project Coordinator at WIDE+. Having worked in the Brussels civil society sector for over a decade, Emma has been involved in several feminist and gender equality projects. This includes co-founding Young Feminist Europe, campaigning for reproductive rights in Ireland with BXL-Irish for Choice, as well as working as the Project Coordinator of the EU-funded Brussels Binder Beyond project. Emma is a current Board Member of 50:50 NI where she has produced research on women’s electoral participation in Northern Ireland politics. In addition to project management, Emma often works as an independent researcher and gender analyst. Her most recent work involves analysing gender equality actions in the EU ahead of the 2024 elections for Oxfam International. Her research interests also extend to the gender dimensions of housing insecurity and digital gender-based violence. Emma has a Masters in Criminology from KU Leuven and an Executive Masters in EU Project Management & Design from the Europa Business School. She is currently completing the Gender Studies – Intersectionality and Change
Master’s from Linkoping University. You can get in touch with her at emma[at]


Stephanie Höglund is WIDE+’s Communications Officer. She holds experience within communication, social media and project coordination from the UN, NGOs and government institutions. As an advocate for equal rights and social justice, Stephanie sees it as her calling to leverage her personal and professional skills to contribute to changemaking. This, as well as her cross-cultural background from Sweden and the Philippines, is what has drawn her to work and volunteer for different humanitarian, social and development causes in Luxembourg, the Philippines, Ethiopia and Denmark. Envisioning a free, just and equal society, she has faith in her own and future generations to lead the way and bring the change needed. Stephanie has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Economics, and a Masters of Social Sciences in Development and International Relations. She is also currently completing a professional learning program by Google within User Experience. Get in touch with Stephanie at communication[at] and connect with her on LinkedIn: