WIDE+ reflection on COVID-19: underlining the urgent need for a ‘new normal’ of care work in Europe

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In recent months, WIDE+ network members have been reflecting on challenges they have faced from the COVID-19 pandemic and key issues stemming from it that would call for collective feminist action. This review, written by WIDE+ coordinator Gea Meijers, outlines the main issues that have arisen from these reflections. While not presenting an exhaustive review of COVID-19 and its impact, this article will hopefully stimulate further reflection and action that may provide new alternative models for our care economy.

With recovery packages being designed and implemented across Europe, including an EU package, WIDE+ is calling for a systemic review of and investment in care work and a real inclusion of women* into these packages, including migrant women and women in the global south.

Download and read the review.

Two women wearing a medical face masks
Illustration by Ada Yokota, https://www.instagram.com/adadotcomdotau/

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